20 Trailblazers Are Leading The Way In Built In Electric Wall Fireplace

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20 Trailblazers Are Leading The Way In Built In Electric Wall Fireplace

A Built in Electric Wall Fireplace

A built in electric wall fireplace is a device that is installed in an existing opening completely or partially. It is not movable or removed without tearing down a part of the wall.

These units typically plug into standard outlets and have a variety of flame and heat settings. Some models have a rain and thunder setting for added atmosphere.


A built-in electric wall fireplace is attached directly to the wall, creating a spacious design that minimizes floor clutter and provides an attractive focal point for your space. These fireplaces are available with or without mantels, to match the style of your home. They also come with a variety of fireback options, flame-height adjustments, and digital settings.

The SimpliFire has an electric fire for every taste. Whether you like traditional style with a masonry interior, textured logs or the contemporary appeal of crystal clears, ember bed colors and ember bed textures. You can easily wall-mount the fireplace using a simple kit, or you can create a custom frame to give it an elongated look. Enjoy year-round with or without heat.

The Scion linear electric fireplace combines expert technology with modern style. It's easy to mount on the wall (no masonry opening required) or have a recessed, built-in design installed by pros.


The flames of an electric wall fireplace can be created by LED lights or video images. The flames appear real and can be manipulated to your preferences. The flames are surrounded by a crystal glass which can be tinted in several different colors. A lot of people prefer clear glass for a minimalist look or they may choose a dark brown or black to get a more traditional look. The glass is also resistant to heat. Some models feature fake logs that gives the appearance of a real fire, but without the smoke or flames.

If you have children or pets in your home, ensure that the flames don't touch objects that ignite, such as curtains, pillows or other furniture. In addition to the potential dangers of fire the touch of these items can cause burns or physical damage. Also, be sure to keep the air vents clear on the front of the fireplace. This is vital to ensure the proper operation of the fireplace as it allows hot air to flow freely and decrease the risk of overheating.

A fireplace with an electric insert is not only an efficient space-saver, but it can also make rooms feel more welcoming to guests. This is especially true when you select a fireplace that looks like a traditional fireplace with its mantel and brick surround. A lot of the features found in a free-standing fireplace can be found in electric fireplace. These include multiple heating settings, thermostat control, and remote control.

Another advantage of a built-in electric fireplace is that it can be inserted in the wall with an recessed or surface mount option. Surface-mounted models can be removed from the wall or moved to a different location without the need for the hardwiring of a new circuit breaker. Recessed models require a professional to remove them and then reinstall them, and will need to be rewired in the new location.

A fireplace with an electric component also has a drawback: they don't provide the same amount of warmth as traditional fireplaces, and they won't work during a power failure. This could be a problem if you do not have a backup source of electricity.


A fireplace is a centerpiece that brings warmth and comfort to any space. Built-in electric wall fireplaces give the look and feel a real flame, but without the hassles or expenses associated with wood or natural gas.

They also use the combination of LED lights, mirrors and water vapor to simulate flame effects and create the illusion of movement. They can be quite fascinating to look at and are certain to make guests do a double take before they realize they're looking at an actual flame.

Electric fireplaces can provide heat to up to 400 square foot rooms and can be operated at three different power levels according to your heating needs. The lowest setting, which generates only 500 BTUs per hour, is ideal for a reading or bedroom nook. The medium and high settings produce 1,500 BTUs and 3,500 BTUs respectively.

Electric fireplaces also allow you to adjust the intensity of heat and the brightness of flames at the touch of an button. This gives you complete control over the experience you get from your fireplace, making it ideal for any room.

The benefit of a wall-mounted fireplace is that it's very simple to install and requires no structural modifications. There is no need for venting chimneys, flues, or chimneys. Electric fireplaces that are built-in or recessed such as the Ezee Glow Zara Black Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace or the ClassicFlame Ignis Royal Collection can be placed almost anywhere on the wall. They plug into an electrical socket similar to a TV or as a piece of art.

You can choose to have recessed models that are either partially or completely recessed into your wall. You can also pick the trim and surrounds to fit the style of your home. You can even add a mantel if you wish, although this may increase the time to install and complexity, and the amount of space it takes up in your home. If you opt for a fully-recessed model, basic framing will be required and it will need to hardwired in the wall at the rear.


There are many ways to set up an electric wall fireplace. Some can be affixed to the wall using special brackets similar to mirrors or pictures. Some can be recessed in the wall using a kit that fits the fireplace and covers any wiring that is exposed. Another popular option is to frame space inside the wall and 'build in' the fireplace, which gives it a more traditional style.

Electric fireplaces are easy to install for the average homeowner. It is recommended to employ a professional electrician to complete any electrical work. A majority of electric fireplaces have a cord that plugs in to an outlet. This can be wired directly into the home's electrical system (if permitted by local codes).

Check  best wall mounted electric fires  for your model to determine the minimum clearances from combustible materials. Refer to the installation guideline of the model you have chosen to determine the minimum distance from the combustible material. For the majority of models, the opening should be 1/4" larger than the dimensions of the fireplace.

Then, attach the bracket onto the opposite side of your fireplace. There are mounting kits that can make this step easier for homeowners.

After the fireplace has been hung on the bracket for mounting and you have it in place, use a screwdriver to tighten any screws and make sure that the fireplace is secure against the wall. This is essential since the fireplace is a permanent fixture and you don't want it to be shaky or come loose.

Then, hang the glass face on the fire appliance. Depending on the model you have selected, this may be a difficult task, and it's recommended that you get someone to assist you. Once the fireplace is in place, test it out by plugging it in and playing around with the heat and lights.

It is important to follow the instructions of the manufacturer when installing an electric wall fireplace. This will ensure that you use it in a safe and correct manner. Certain fireplaces come with an emergency switch that prevents the fireplace from turning on when connected to an outlet. It is also a good idea to install a dedicated circuit from the electrical panel to the fireplace, since this will avoid the possibility of another device in your home tripping the circuit breaker, causing a hazard.